
跳转到: 导航搜索
第15行: 第15行:
**本次列车开往××方向。 This train is bound for ××. 下一站,××。The next station is ××.
**本次列车终点站xxx,下一站xxx。This train terminates at xxx,the next stop is xxx.
**本次列车终点站xxx,下一站xxx。This train terminates at xxx,the next stop is xxx.
**本次列车终点站xxx。This terninates at xxx.下一站xxx。This next station is xxx.
**本次列车终点站xxx。This terninates at xxx.下一站xxx。This next station is xxx.
**西户铁路仅播报:本次列车开往××方向。 This train is bound for ××.
**本次列车开往××方向。下一站,××。 This train is bound for ××. The next stop is ××.
**本次列车开往西安东站方向,终点站马腾空。下一站,××。This train is bound for Xi'an Dong Zhan, the last stop is Ma Teng Kong. The next stop is ××.
*西户铁路仅播报:本次列车开往××方向。 This train is bound for ××.
*地铁1、3号线小交路及6号线往西安国际医学中心方向播报时,仅将第一句及对应的英语更改为“本次列车终点站××”“The last stop of this train is ××”,其余不变。
××站到了,请从列车运行方向的(左或右)侧车门下车,注意列车与站台之间的空隙。 We're now at ×× , please get ready to exit on the left/right, mind the gap between the train and platform.  
xx站到了,开左(右)侧门,注意列车与站台之间的空隙。We are now at xxx,doors will open on the left/right.
**英文播报增加:Passengers wishing to transfer to line ×, please get ready to exit.
**英文播报增加:Passengers can transfer to line x.
**英文播报增加:Passengers wishing to transfer to line ×, please get ready to exit.  
××到了,下车及换乘×号线的乘客请从列车运行方向的(左或右)侧车门下车,注意列车与站台之间的空隙。We're now at ××. Passengers wishing to disembark or transfer to line ×, please get ready to exit on the left/right. Mind the gap between the train and the platform.  
汉语播报后增加“可换乘x号线”,在英文播报后增加“Passengers can transfer to line x.
第46行: 第36行:
终点站××到了,请全体乘客带齐行李物品,从列车运行方向的(左或右)侧车门下车,谢谢合作。We're now at ××. This is the last stop. Please take all your belongings and exit on the left/right. Thank you!
终点站xx站到了,开左(右)侧门,请全体乘客带齐行李物品下车,注意列车与站台直接的空隙。We are now at xxx,where this train terminates at,doors will open on the left/right.
终点站××到了,请全体乘客带齐行李物品,从列车运行方向的(左或右)侧车门下车。前往××方向的乘客,请等候下一班列车。We're now at ××. This is the last stop. Please take all your belongings and exit on the left/right. Passengers wishing to go to ××, please disembark and wait for the next train.
终点站xx站到了,开左(右)侧门,请全体乘客带齐行李物品下车,注意列车与站台直接的空隙。前往××方向的乘客,请等候下一班列车。We are now at xxx,where this train terminates at,doors will open on the left/right.
终点站某某到了,请全体乘客带齐行李物品从列车运行方向的某侧车门下车,换乘×号线的乘客请按站内导向标识及工作人员指引有序乘车。We're now at ××. This is the last stop. Please take all your belongings and exit on the left/right.Passengers wishing to transfer to line ×, please follow the signs and staff instructions to take the train.
终点站某某到了,可换乘X号线,请全体乘客带齐行李物品从列车运行方向的某侧车门下车。We are now at xxx,where this train terminates at,doors will open on the left/right.Passengers can transfer to line ×.
开往××方向的列车即将进站,请在安全区域排队候车,上下车时请勿拥挤,注意站台与列车之间的空隙,谢谢合作。The train bound for ×× is arriving. Please line up in the waiting zone, mind the gap between the train and the platform when you board the train.
开往××方向的列车即将进站,请按照地面标识指引排队候车,先下后上,注意站台与列车之间的空隙。The train bound for ×× is arriving. Please line up by the sign on the ground, and give way to exiting passengers. Please mind the gap between the train and the platform.
开往××方向的列车即将进站,请按照地面标识指引排队候车,先下后上,注意站台与列车之间的空隙。The train bound for ×× is arriving. Please line up by the sign on the ground, and give way to exiting passengers. Please mind the gap between the train and the platform.
第70行: 第59行:

2024年9月26日 (四) 18:28的最新版本


  • 本页面不介绍人工播报内容。




  • 列车启动后车内播报列车运行方向与下一站站名。若下一站是换乘站,还会播报换乘信息。
  • 列车即将抵达车站时:
    • 车内会播报该站站名及相关提示。若该站是换乘站、终点站等情况,还会播报相应信息。
    • 站台广播会播报列车即将到站的信息,如运行方向和安全事项。





  • 地铁2号线第一、二批列车(0201-0248)、4、5、6、9、14、16号线:
    • 本次列车终点站xxx,下一站xxx。This train terminates at xxx,the next stop is xxx.
  • 地铁1、3号线和2号线第三批列车(0249-0274):
    • 本次列车终点站xxx。This terninates at xxx.下一站xxx。This next station is xxx.
    • 西户铁路仅播报:本次列车开往××方向。 This train is bound for ××.


xx站到了,开左(右)侧门,注意列车与站台之间的空隙。We are now at xxx,doors will open on the left/right.


  • 内容与下一站与普通车站时基本相同,在普通车站播报内容结束后会各自增加以下内容:
    • 汉语普通话播报增加:可换乘×号线。
    • 英文播报增加:Passengers can transfer to line x.


汉语播报后增加“可换乘x号线”,在英文播报后增加“Passengers can transfer to line x.”




终点站xx站到了,开左(右)侧门,请全体乘客带齐行李物品下车,注意列车与站台直接的空隙。We are now at xxx,where this train terminates at,doors will open on the left/right.

  • 西户铁路不播报“终点站”。


终点站xx站到了,开左(右)侧门,请全体乘客带齐行李物品下车,注意列车与站台直接的空隙。前往××方向的乘客,请等候下一班列车。We are now at xxx,where this train terminates at,doors will open on the left/right.


终点站某某到了,可换乘X号线,请全体乘客带齐行李物品从列车运行方向的某侧车门下车。We are now at xxx,where this train terminates at,doors will open on the left/right.Passengers can transfer to line ×.

  • 目前终点站是换乘车站的有1号线、6号线、9号线纺织城和4号线西安北站。



开往××方向的列车即将进站,请按照地面标识指引排队候车,先下后上,注意站台与列车之间的空隙。The train bound for ×× is arriving. Please line up by the sign on the ground, and give way to exiting passengers. Please mind the gap between the train and the platform.


  • 西安轨道交通站点翻译大多使用中文拼音,如钟楼(ZHONGLOU)等。
    • 但14号线的机场西(Airport W.)机场(Airport)除外。
  • 线路的英语翻译为×(数字)号线(Line ×)。
    • 西户铁路称“西户线”(Xihu Line)



  • 1号线播音员汉语普通话部分为邱婷(女),英语部分播音员为王涤非(男);
  • 2、3、4、6、10、16号线播音员汉语普通话部分为何清(女),英语部分播音员为王涤非(男);
  • 5、9、14号线播音员汉语普通话部分均为刘菁菁(女),英语部分播音员姓名暂不详(男);
    • 2020年12月28日开通的地铁5、6、9号线是西安地铁首次使用男声播音员。
  • 西户铁路播音员为舒兰(女)